Headache Clinic

Before your Botox Migraine initial consultation appointment, please complete the Migraine History forms found on your email at home, at least 2 days before your appointment.

Please upload your Canadian Migraine tracking forms to Ava Connect before each of your appointments.

“Complete the Migraine 90 Days Assessment forms at least 2 days before your Botox Migraine treatment”.

“Please have your Canadian Migraine tracker diary completed for the last 90 days. Once completed save it to “pdf”and upload it to your AVA connect portal”.

Sign in to Ava connect. Once on the portal, click on “messages” . Attach the PDF document in "Messages" and send it to a physician or staff in Ava Connect Portal.

“Tip! A message thread invite must exist in order to add a PDF Document to a message”.

If this is a recurrent treatment for you, and you have no questions, concerns or requests, you may instead wish to book a short virtual phone call follow-up appointment.