Westside Medical is accepting new patients!

How to become a new patient:

Step 1: Learn about our doctors

Read about our doctors accepting new patients here

Step 2: Fill out the registration form

Fill out the new patient registration form here. Please note that we are only accepting patients who do NOT currently have a family physician.

Step 3: Get an invitation to AVA Connect

In about 2-4 weeks, our clinic will send you an invitation to sign-up for AVA Connect (our patient portal). Invitations are only valid for 5 days.

Step 4: Book a “meet and greet”

Once you are in AVA, please book a “meet and greet” with one of our doctors. This should be a 30-minute (double appointment) in-person visit. Please do not contact the clinic to book an appointment over the phone.

Step 5: Prepare for your first visit

Please bring your Alberta Health Card to your first appointment. You may also bring a PDF print-out of your prior medical records for the doctor to review. Do not transfer or email your medical records to our clinic.

We are looking forward to meeting you and being part of your health journey!